Mike Shannon’s To Close January 30th

Late in 2014, South Dakota’s Department of Public Safety was running an ad campaign called #DontJerkAndDrive with the sub-title “Jerking Isn’t a Joke”.

Jerking isn’t a joke?

Yeah, I know. The reason you think they killed the campaign is the reason they killed the campaign.

Still, the point they were trying to make was valid – when road conditions get a bit slippery, don’t jerk the wheel, you’ll end up over-correcting.

Which brings us to Mike Shannon’s.


The downtown upscale steakhouse/party patio will be closing on January 30th after being open in their current location since 2006 (downtown for 30 total years).


“You think of all the celebrities we’ve had in here: Baseball players. Movie stars. It’s been unbelievable,” said Mike Shannon. “It’s not sadness. It’s been a celebration. It was everything that I wanted it to be, a place that people could enjoy before and after the games. And they did.”

Shannon, who owns the building, said, “The building is for sale, and we’ll see what transpires.”

Personally, it’s a sad announcement. Before Ballpark Village opened, you were either a Shannon’s guy (or gal) or a Paddy O’s guy (or gal).

I was a Shannon’s guy.

Other bars existed (and still do) around Busch Stadium, but 9 times out of 10, you ended up at one of those two places at some point in the night. Now Shannon’s is closing and Paddy O’s is still trying to figure out how to get to pre-BPV revenue levels.


One of the most persistent complaints about Ballpark Village trends along the line of ‘it’s killing off smaller local businesses’. I’m sure there are Cardinals fans that don’t (or won’t) patronize BPV because of this belief.

BPV is a formidable competitor for any new business downtown – this is undeniable. But I’d also submit to you that this competition is going to *eventually* be great for St. Louis and Cardinals fans.

Newness fades. Opportunity will emerge. We don’t need to jerk the wheel. This is how business works.

The Cardinals can encourage you to visit their venue across the street. They can’t force you.

You, as a consumer, will have new choices. Anytime 3 million or more people congregate in an area over the span of 180 or so days, businesses will try to to make money. What those places will do or what they’ll look like only the future knows.


They will come. And they’ll be gunning for instead of running from BPV.


Shannon’s had a great run. 10 years? In the restaurant/entertainment business, that’s huge.

For people of a certain age, it will always be a place that has a home in our hearts. I’m still looking for the sunglasses that got knocked off my face when the place erupted after the Cardinals won the 2006 World Series, if anyone’s seen them.

Let’s pour one out for Shannon’s. Celebrate a decade of fun.

But when whatever comes next, we should also give that a try, too. The more businesses downtown, the better for St. Louis.

Photo: Arch City Sports


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