Mike Trout is awesome, the Angels are not; Rangers again bludgeon the Angels, 10-3


Happy birthday, Mike Trout! The newly 22-year-old superstar-in-the-making further cemented his budding legendary resume on Wednesday night. Yes, the Angels lost again, but we've been over this. They are a horrible team, pitching is terrible, Tommy Hanson's arm is completely in shreds, etc. etc.


But folks, we are witnessing one of the greatest players. The talent that Mike Trout possesses is immense, unbelievable, and very real. And it is unfolding before our very eyes, even while his team collapses around him.


Trout became the first player in Major League history to homer on both his 21st and 22nd birthdays. Trout also became the first Angels player ever to homer on his consecutive birthdays. Oh, also, he's reached base in 38 straight games, so there is that as well.


Mike Trout is awesome, and the Angels are not. Poor Mike Trout.




And, I'll leave it to the intrepid reporting of one Mike DiGiovanna of one Los Angeles Times to close out another miserable evening of Angels baseball.



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