Mini Pony of the Day 7-14-08

Mini Pony of the Day 7-14-08
For some reason, I thought I used this image before. I searched, but found nothing. Its from Wisconsin Sportsblog Chuckie Hacks. Many thanks to Doug for sending that my way.

Crack open a cold one and browse the following links:

It isn’t safe to be an MLB mascot in the Bronx. [Busted Coverage]

Billy Packer is gone. Prayers are finally answered. [Miami Herald]

I can’t do this headline any justice. Its beautiful in its own self. [Larry Brown Sports]

Naked rock climbing. Possibly NSFW? [Deuce of Davenport]

Bon Jovi took in no money from the 50,000+ in Central Park over the weekend. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Jason Peter (?) hates Lou Holtz. [With Leather]

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