Mini Pony of the Day 7-3-08

Mini Pony of the Day 7-3-08
Thanks to Doug for this MPotD. Always in the clutch. And as Doug said, “crack is bad, mini ponies are good.” The only thing I can really add to that is…

…Hey, baby.

Read these while pulling your pants up:

Wayne Gretzky’s daughter is hot. [Puck Daddy]

A moment of silence for Chris Snyder’s left nut. [Lieutenant Winslow]

Marian Hossa is Judas Iscariot? And three cheers for the Lifehouse reference. [The Pensblog]

However, do NOT freak out about Hossa leaving. [Doubt About It]

Chris Cooley rules. [Shutdown Corner]

Really, Lawrence Taylor? [The Sports Hernia]

The SuperSonics are officially gone. I think. [Stupid Sideline Reporters]

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