Mini Pony of the Day 7-9-08

Mini Pony of the Day 7-9-08
Mini Pony of the Day 7-9-08
What’s with all the chicks with mini ponies lately? I mean, I’m not complaining, but it seems like once I find one or two, the floodgates open.

I blatantly stole these pics from here.

…Hey, baby.

While I get my bearings, read these:

Dan Dierdorf, blowing your mind HOF-wise. [Awful Announcing]

Semi-local boxer Kelly Pavlik says someone threatened to shoot his hands. The police are pretty much calling his bluff. [You Been Blinded]

LaMarr Woodley and Santonio Holmes are about to break out. [Nonstop Steelers]

Don’t lie, your head almost exploded when you heard the Steelers might be sold, too. [Blog ‘N’ Gold]

Yay, more teams in the Pirates’ division are getting better! The Cubs get Rich Harden. [Walkoff Walk]

William Rhoden is a dick. [One More Dying Quail]


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