Mini Pony of the Day 8-15-08

Mini Pony of the Day 8-15-08
Left hand, four!

I don’t know what kind of crazy game of Twister this is, but I’d totally be down with giving it a shot. However, with only one place to put appendages, it might get a little crowded after a spin or two.

Left mouse click, these links!

When I think Monday Night Football, I think MC Hammer. [Awful Announcing]

Charles Barkley will try to fix his ridiculous golf swing on a reality show. I hate reality shows, but I’d probably tune in for that one. [We Are The Postmen]

So Bill Belichick doesn’t need technology to help him run his team? Then the videotaping…? [Lion in Oil]

Michael Phelps is doping…with…music? [Steroid Nation]

Adam Jones to “Make it Rain” for charity. Awesome. [The Big Picture]

Chicks from the German Olympic Team got nude for German Playboy. Mostly NSFW…what did you think when I use the terms “chicks” and “Playboy”? [Busted Coverage]

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