Mini Pony of the Day 8-4-08

Mini Pony of the Day 8-4-08

Super sexy tipster Holly sent in this website, which she saw on a billboard in Cali. I know my birthday is in a week, so I might have to try and get Mini Horse Parties out to NYC for a few days.

Little boy looks terrified of the cool mini horse. Don’t worry, son, these aren’t weird, regular-sized horses. This one just wants to hang out and let you ride him.

I have no related quip to give you, so just read these links:

NHL 09 features that didn’t make the cut. Hilarious. [The Pensblog]

Mario rules. [Going Five Hole]

Should we write off the Pirates? [The Suburban Rob Rossis]

R.I.P. Skip Caray. [Awful Announcing]

What will happen with the Nady/Pirates/Yankees deal several years down the road? [Joey Porter’s Pit Bulls]

Is it possible to hate a six-year-old? Yes, yes it is. [On 205th]

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