Mitchell Report Will Be Released At 2 pm EST Thursday

The long awaited Mitchell Report is almost here and the leaks are starting. According to the New York Times there are 50 players named in the report, Bloomburg says as many as 80. There will be a news conference at 2 pm EST in New York (11:00 out here) on Thursday followed by the release of the report. Union officials and MLB Execs looked at the report yesterday to ensure it did not violate any collective bargaining agreements. One person who read the report felt it was “harsh.” Let the chips fall where they may.

Update: Is Clemens in the report? From NY Daily News: “Brian McNamee, a former Yankee trainer whose most famous clients have been Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte, has already shown up in news reports about one investigation into the use of illegal substances.”

Update 2: Curt Schilling would not be surprised if a member of the Red Sox is listed in the report.

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