MLB Gets Grilled On The Hill

MLB Gets Grilled On The HillBud Selig and Donald Fehr are in the middle of testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee. Their testimony has been filled with squirmy answers as to why they were not responsible for the Steroid Era in baseball. Bud Selig thinks there needs to be more testing and year-round testing for PED’s. Donald Fehr does not commit to off season testing and says it needs further investigation. Fehr sums up his attitude towards drug testing when he is asked if players have a misunderstanding of post-season testing when he said that he hopes they are not under a misunderstanding because they might use steroids and fail a test. He is more concerned that a player might get caught by the system than ridding the sport of steroids. Selig continues to play the tough guy role when the Steroid Era took place under his watch. Many people will say that Congress should not get involved in baseball but without some outside action Fehr and Selig will continue to ignore the problem.

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