Monday Morning Commentary

Monday Morning Commentary
This isn't about the logo on his shirt, but about the nature of his actions as an individual.

I’m headed south on vacation with the family and just wanted to try something new before I disappear for a couple of weeks. There’s a lot going on in the sports world with the Olympic trials and the NBA draft just recently concluding. I’ve got some things to cover but I promise I will be quick!

How about we start with my rant first so I can get it out of the way? The recent news coming out of State College, PA has me mesmerized. Not so much that the info has come to light as much as how their fans are responding. I spent the better part of the day reading about fans who are taking this personally. They think the world is out to get PSU.  That couldn’t be further from the truth. I tweeted in response to a friend that most of the people defending the University lack the basic human quality of compassion for these victims. Plain and simple, that is what all of the fuss is about.

I want you to imagine for just a brief moment that you are one of the victims and they are telling you that those involved didn’t believe you deserved to be protected. Not to mention the fact they are now basically saying the victims didn’t deserve justice. That is what all of the information is doing to these victims, and those who defend the university that covered it up lack any compassion for anything human.

Jared Sullinger made out like a bandit after being treated like crap in the week leading up to the NBA draft. The fact that he got stolen by the Celtics just means that Doc Rivers did his homework while the Buckeyes were playing in the NCAA’s in his home arena. Sullinger was playing in the facility that replaced the home of former Buckeye greats John Havlicek and Larry Siegfried. He has a tall order to become the best Buckeye to ever play for the Celtics in that regard, but I am one of those who believe he will be a great Celtic.  The Boston area got a gift thanks to a dumb medical report.

Monday Morning Commentary
Tim Phillips, here with his 2011 Summer University Games gold medal, is one of several Buckeye Olympic hopefuls.

I don’t have all of the figures in front of me, but if you’ve been paying attention to the Olympic trials, there have been a lot of Buckeyes to root for. One of them is from my hometown of Parkersburg, WV in swimmer Tim Phillips. Saturday night at the U.S. Olympic Swim Trials in Omaha,  Tim was one of the 8 swimmers advancing to the finals of the 100 meter Butterfly. Tim was the 5th fastest swimmer in the 2 semifinal heats. His time came to 52.17 seconds. That was .82 seconds behind the time of Olympic legend Michael Phelps.   Phelps, who is the defending Olympic champion in the event, had the fastest time of the night at  51.35. Hopefully this morning he is representing the USA in the Olympics.

Last, but certainly not least, how about the storms that have rocked Ohio and West Virginia in the past few days. Over a million homes were affected in Ohio and close to 500,000 in WV – including my home. Power returned to my home at 1:30 in the a.m. Saturday but there were over 43,000 in my general vicinity without electricity still at the time I am writing this. I ask that in an age where we are sports driven that you keep all of these people in your thoughts as a couple of them write for tBBC. There is a good chance that they will not have power by the 4th of July and will damper the holiday.

On that note, I wish everyone a great holiday and please be safe in your travels.

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