Monday Morning Commentary

It’s not often that I show my negative opinions publicly but this commentary has given me a great opportunity to get things off my chest so to speak. Remember that my opinion is not necessarily that of tBBC and should only be considered as my opinion. Here it goes, with both barrels.

I already said my piece in regards to how PSU fans were reacting to the Sandusky news and how people were attacking the university. They are not one and the same. Since I went on vacation we have found out that said university did play a major role in covering up his actions and that includes Joe Paterno. Here is my belief in the matter. The only way they will be able to start over or continue forward is to cut all ties with the situation. Does that include tearing down the statue that was erected in honor of a great coach? Yes it does because it will be a constant reminder of the part of him that wasn’t great. The statue must go for the betterment of everyone to be able to move forward.

Monday Morning Commentary
Must come down to move forward

Does it also mean that the NCAA needs to step in and do something? Yes, if the answer is that they gained success in the football program by not reporting Sandusky as soon as someone knew. Imagine how long it’s going to take for the entire university to recover from this. Now, think about it before all of the victims were subjected to the horror they were? If they stopped it then, there may have been minimal damage to the program because they came forward and stopped a predator. Maybe would have been considered heroes for what they did had they taken care of business. Now, look at it from a pure football perspective. They gained recruits and success in their football program by not reporting a crime that was happening. That in itself, has to be considered a major violation just in the reason behind why they did cover it up. To preserve the football program and protect the university. Now, all of these years later there is a chance the university and its programs will not survive this at all. I feel for the victims and hope that the university does the right thing and helps to give them closure for what they have endured.

Everybody has their own countdowns to when the fun begins of the season that is rapidly approaching. I for one am becoming a huge fan of the entire coaching staff that Coach Meyer has assembled. We honestly do not have to wait for September 1st to be happy with what he is doing. We have had the women’s camp, a few recent commits, the approaching FNL’s event, and then fall camp. I would say that they have done a great job of keeping our minds on the program and what is coming. The assistant coaches can be found on twitter interacting with fans and giving updates.

Monday Morning Commentary

Lastly, if you don’t have a charity event to support this summer and would like one to attend that is going to be loads of fun? Then please join me at #BirdiesforBoonie on July 28th in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Boonie is Empire Grant’s nephew and his family needs help in expenses. All the info is in the article that I have attached and we hope to see you there. Buckeye Empire’s storm troopers will be on hand auctioning off a storm trooper helmet and actually attempting to play golf in their uniforms. Fun for all and lots of items for auction that are Buckeye related.

Until next Monday, have a great week everyone.

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