Monday Morning Riddle

Happy Monday, Cougar Nation, and welcome to the rest of the Cougar football season known as

Have no fear, despite our malaise, we will continue to be your insightful and trustworthy tour-guides of the NEW and IMPROVED poop island.

That said, without further ado, here is today’s riddle (okay, its just a stinkin’ question):

What is the average amount of points scored by the Cougar offense in Pac-10 games since the start of 2006?????????????????????????????????????????????????…..

The ANSWER: (drum ROLL please):

21.36 points

Yep, you got it, 21.36 points. Don’t know about you all, but that adds up to 3 touchdowns (and no, don’t give Brinkhater other possible scenarios, cuz Romeen could NEVER and I mean EVER kick 7 field goals in a season, let alone a game!).

So for any of you who think that there’s even a chance at respectability have got something else comin’.

Simply put, I think it would be a near miracle for this D to hold any Pac-10 Defense under 35 points. Therefore, in order for us to tie, our offense would have to score 66% higher than its average JUST TO TIE!!! And judging by Romeen’s bludgeoning of the left upright on Saturday night, its not even certain that 5 touches would mean a tie!!!!!

In other words, say hello to 2-10, Butch Nation!!!!!…..(though, don’t get me wrong, Brinkhater is still holding out hope that we can achieve the 4-8 milestone that was predicted on the eve of this season)…

But, seeing that statistic is something to make the Brinklovers out there really pause…Cuz from Brinkhater’s point of view, there’s a lot of motion in the ocean, but not a lot of clickin’ in the kitchen, if you feel me….

Also, Is it too late to put Ivory Clark at Defensive End???

Have a great start to the week.

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