‘Monday Night Raw’ (2/1/21) Results And Review: Damien Priest Makes Main Roster Debut, Edge And Randy Orton Battle One Last Time, And More

Monday Night Raw

Monday Night Raw took place inside the WWE ThunderDome at Tropicana Field with virtual fans in attendance. This was the fallout show from the Royal Rumble. What’s next for Drew McIntyre after his championship win over Goldberg? Will Edge make the choice on which title to go after as he is the 2021 Royal Rumble winner?

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The show opened up with Drew McIntyre being introduced and making his way to the ring. He welcomes everyone to the show. He reminds everyone that we are officially on the road to WrestleMania. He talks about him and Goldberg beating the hell out of each other and how they respected each other after the match. He recaps the Rumble and brings up the Men’s Royal Rumble match until Edge came out to the ring. Drew tells Edge that he has always been a mentor to him and he never thought he’d see the day that Edge would come back. Drew praises Edge for his comeback and outlasting everyone in the Rumble. He said he is happy for him. Edge said he likes Drew but he has to be blunt with him and asks what is wrong with him. Edge mentions that he can challenge him for the title. He said Drew is showering him with complements while he is a threat. Drew said he is not Edge an opportunist. Sheamus interrupted saying he is not happy. Sheamus said Drew has carried the company while Edge was nursing his injury. He asks Edge who is he and he is not taking the insults that Edge is giving Drew lightly. Drew asks Edge if he is making his decision or will he do it for him. Edge said he will wait and Drew is playing a dangerous game. Edge said it doesn’t matter who he chooses he will walk out of WrestleMania as the champion. Drew turned around after watching Edge leave and Sheamus nailed him with the Brogue Kick.

Sheamus is asked by Charly backstage why he did what he did. Sheamus said all people knows him as is Drew’s friend and he wants the WWE Championship. He walks away.

Riddle Defeated Bobby Lashley By DQ, Lashley Retains The United States Championship

Lashley wouldn’t let go of the Hurt Lock on Riddle. Lashley continued as MVP and the referee tried to stop him. Lashley tossed him over the barricade while in the Hurt Lock.

A Bugati pulled into Tropicana Field. Out of the car was Bad Bunny as he made his way backstage.

Referee’s and officials helped Riddle up. Riddle had no idea what happened and who he was facing.

Randy Orton was backstage saying he thought it wasn’t possible that Edge would return and win the Rumble. He congratulated him but he promised Edge would not come back. He said Edge made him look like a liar. He said Edge is not going to main event WrestleMania because he made the choice to ignore Randy. He tells Edge that tonight he makes sure he will not make it to WrestleMania.

Kofi and Xavier talk about Mustafa Ali. Kofi said Ali lost his mind to hold that grudge for two years. He tells Xavier that he will get his payback against Retribution as they do The New Day Rocks chant. Xavier and Kofi come out for the match.

In a Network exclusive, Ali tells kofi he is glad he is back and invites Kofi to watch at ringside as he beats his friend Xavier Woods.

Xavier Woods Defeated Mustafa Ali

Bad Bunny was talking with Damien Priest backstage talking in Spanish.

The Miz and John Morrison come to the ring for Miz TV. Miz welcomed everyone and said they are on the road to WrestleMania. They recapped the Royal Rumble and mentioned Bad Bunny’s performance. They praised the performance and introduced Bad Bunny as their guest. Bad Bunny came down to the ring. Miz tells Bunny they wanted to clear the air with the misunderstanding between them at the Rumble. Miz said two wrongs don’t make a right. Miz apologized. Bad Bunny accepted the apology but Bad Bunny didn’t apologize. Bad Bunny said being a WWE Superstar is one of his dreams. Miz said he has trained a guy like Daniel Bryan and made him a WrestleMania main eventer. They say they can do wonders for him. Miz wants him to help them record an album in return. They sing for him. Bunny said they are special but he is not interested. Miz berates him saying he is on their show. Bunny said he came here because a good friend wanted to be on Miz TV. The lights went off. Damien Priest came down to the ring. Priest landed a right hand on Miz. Morrison left the ring. Priest and Bunny celebrated in the ring.

Damien Priest Defeated The Miz

The Hurt Business Defeated Lucha House Party To Retain the Raw Tag Team Championship

Charlotte and Asuka were interviewed about losing the tag titles at the Rumble. Charlotte said Lacey is playing games and she will not play mind games on her. She says Lacey is afraid of facing her in the ring straight up which is why she is manipulating Ric. Asuka said she is not happy with losing the titles but they would’ve won if not for Charlotte’s father Ric Flair. Charlotte tells Asuka to focus on getting the tag titles back.

Lana and Naomi had a video promo shown as they made their entrance saying they are done being on the sideline and want some tag team gold.

Lana and Naomi Defeated Asuka and Charlotte Flair and Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke To Become #1 Contender’s For The Raw Women’s Tag Team Championship

Charly Caruso interviewed Drew McIntyre about what happened with him and Sheamus. He said he hopes he faces Edge at WrestleMania,. He said he doesn’t know what to say about Sheamus’ betrayal. He talks about their all their years of friendship ending over the title. He is close to tears and says Sheamus has his shot at the title.

Jeff Hardy and Carlito Defeated Elias and Jaxson Ryker


Edge was talking backstage saying how ecstatic he was that he won the Rumble. He said there is always a black cloud over his head and that is Randy Orton. He talks about Randy faking the knee injury and going bell to bell. He claimed Randy is jealous which is why he challenged him. He tells Randy he will out Randy in the rear view so that he could walk into WrestleMania to win the title he never lost. He tells Randy that this has to end.

Alexa Bliss came out for her match as they went to commercial break.

Edge was walking backstage and came up to Damien Priest. He shook his hand saying he is impressed by him.

Alexa Bliss Defeated Nikki Cross

Randy Orton came out as Alexa was leaving. Alexa gives him a cold stare as Randy didn’t look at her at all. Alexa leaves and Randy made his way to the ring for his match with Edge.

Edge Defeated Randy Orton

Overall Review: Wasn’t a bad show and they had a better format for the show than in recent weeks but it was still hard to watch at times and it kind of dragged a bit. The whole thing with Sheamus betraying Drew I thought they jumped the gun on that. They should’ve waited a bit to do that but it looks like they want to build their rivalry for the next pay per view. I was fearing The Hurt Business was going to lose their titles but I’m glad they didn’t. I can’t complain too much of how Lashley handled Riddle the way he did and Benjamin and Cedric retaining the titles. Apparently they are still doing the whole storyline with Bad Bunny feuding with Miz and Morrison which I’m not too crazy about but it did lead to Damien Priest making his main roster debut. Priest even got a Undertaker/Cena like respect moment from Edge later on in the show. I’m excited for what Priest can bring to the main roster. I know it’s always feels like a demotion that a NXT guy is coming to the main roster because of how they utilize them when thye come up but I would be perplexed if they do not look at Damien Priest as a big time star. I definitely wanna see more of Carlito especially with promos since i always loved the entertaining segments he did back in the day. The tag match with Hardy was a good way to reintroduce him. The triple threat tag match was okay but it was not great. They have to stop with Lacey Evans interrupting Charlotte during the matches. It gets repetitive and it’s making Charlotte look bad as she keeps getting distracted by it. Lana and Naomi getting the win I didn’t mind too much because they are pretty much going to be a random tag team that Nia and Shayna job out. I’m was really happy to see Edge wrestle on Raw for the first time in like a decade. I’m glad it’s over between Edge and Randy Orton. I think Edge should’ve just won clean and have Alexa do some mind games on Randy afterwards especially that Edge is the one who is main eventing WrestleMania.

Grade: 6/10

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