More comedy from Michigan fans

Folks, this is what the Michigan fans are getting excited about these days;

Yes, that’s right. They’re fired up that their punter can almost hit the roof of their indoor facility with a football. Yes, the roof did get hit eventually. By a soccer ball.

Epic fail, Michigan fans.

Yes, Michigan, your punter is good. That’s fortunate for you, as he is going to be on the field at least 8 times every week.

You know what the best type of punter is? The one who never punts because his team’s offense keeps moving the ball into the end zone and/or field goal range. That’s not you this year, but if you pay attention, you’ll see a LOT of your opponents do that this season.

But at least your defense will now be allowing 90-yard TD drives instead of 75-yard TD drives. That is, if they let him use a soccer ball during the games.

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