More media reaction to the trade

The Wolves reveal their usual hare-brained public relations
sense having their owner offer up this on O.J. Mayo while the team
still owned his rights: “Our people thought that Mayo had far more
upside than Love. And very important was the fact that Fred [Hoiberg] played for Tim Floyd at Iowa State, and we knew [USC coach] Floyd was
going to give an honest scouting report on Mayo.”
Which, of course, gives the franchise no chance to successfully sell
this deal — whether it is good, bad or in-between — to a fan base
that a few hours after being told Mayo was The Guy, is supposed to
accept at face value that it was OK to trade a guy who your owner says
has far more up-side him for another.

“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself!”
Minnesota may be learning from their mistakes after all. ESPN is reporting a mega-trade with Mayo and Kevin Love swapping teams, dumping some ugly three year deals on Memphis, and moving Mike Miller to Minnesota in the process. The Wolves are left with a talented front court in front of poor guards and Memphis winds up with a glut of good guards with no skilled bigs on the inside. Surely, more trades are in line, but Minnesota sees the light at the end of the lottery tunnel while Memphis is going the other way. 
Was it a good idea to swap Brandon
Roy with Randy Foye? Or how about Ray Allen for Stephon Marbury? If the
Wolves truly did have Love and Mayo ranked neck and neck, as Fred Hoiberg stated to PA & Dubay, they certainly got more value, talent-wise, with Love and Miller than with just Mayo. But how are we supposed to trust that?
Maybe the Wolves liked Kevin Love just as much or even a smidge more than O.J. Mayo…
…But in Sid’s first column last
night, before the trade, Glen Taylor was quoted as saying, “Our people
thought that Mayo had far more upside than Love.”
The Wolves found a way to utilize their limited resources to jettison
each and every single one of their bad deals for 2 quality players
(Mike Miller and Kevin Love), an expiring contract who can play center
(Collins), and a bad contract that expires a year earlier than Marko
(Cardinal–who can take the place of a guy like the Rhino) while
clearing the books after the 09/10 season so that the Wolves can take a
free agent run in a big free agent year.  Folks, they went from KG and
a gang of big salaried nothings to a solid foundation with a good
financial outlook in the span of a single season.  That has to account for something and the entire FO should be applauded for it.
From Fox 9: Minnesota Sports Talk:
Let’s be clear about one thing: from a business standpoint, the deal makes some sense. Finding any team who will take back Jaric’s horrific contract and an unhappy, overpaid over the hill slug like Walker is no small accomplishment. Let’s also be clear about something else. Love is going to be a good player. 
Greet Machine with an open letter to Wolves owner Glen Taylor:
I have waited in the hope that an abler pen than mine might take up my
subject and say a word on behalf of Timberwolves fans everywhere. I
conclude, however, that sufficient interest is not taken in our plight
as we are continually treated in a most disrespectful manner.
Notwithstanding this general private discontent, we unfortunately as a
body of fans regard the existing state of things as unacceptable, and
wish to resolutely stand against the injustice done us…
If O.J. Mayo becomes the
superstar some people think he can become in Memphis the fan resentment
toward Timberwolves general manager Kevin McHale will get even more
vicious. They’re still furious at him for giving Boston Kevin Garnett
(and championship banner No. 17) last summer, not to mention his
drafting and then trading of Portland All-Star Brandon Roy two years
ago for Randy Foye. Even if Kevin Love turns out to be better than his
profile suggests, he won’t be the building block Garnett was. That
said, executives around the league were united in their appreciation of
Love’s skill-set.
Best pickup: The Kevin
Love-Mike Miller combo is better than any two-man combination the
Grizzlies would have had if they didn’t make the deal.
Biggest loss: Rookie
point guard Mario Chalmers of Kansas would have been a nice addition
but his rights were sent to Miami for cash considerations and two
future second-round picks.


Timberwolves – B+ – GM Kevin McHale got the player he wanted in Kevin
Love. Love will be the yin to Al Jefferson’s yang, but his passing will
allow for Minnesota to have a better, smoother offense. Nikola Pekovic is a project down low.
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