More Of The Same

More Of The SameBuchholz struggles yet again and the Sox lose their 16th 1-run game in a row. Clay had early run support but quickly blew the 3 run lead and did not even get an out in the fourth before he was pulled. Once again he had good stuff at times but made too many mistakes and Chicago’s offense took him deep when he did. Aardsma gave up another run but pitched his way out of a bases loaded jam. Masterson came in and pitched 2 2/3 scoreless innings with 5 K’s making Red Sox Nation wonder why he was not the starter in this game. Okajima also looked good pitching a perfect inning. The Sox offense rallied but their best chance to get ahead ended when Lowell grounded into a bases loaded inning ending double play in the 7th. This is a game the Sox should have won but Buchholz dug too big of a hole. He has had his chances and now needs to be removed from the rotation which could be difficult with Wake going on the DL. Boston can not continue to allow Buchholz to learn on the job in the middle of a pennant race. Masterson, Pauley, or Zink need to be given the shot at the rotation, Buchholz simply is not good enough to be a major league starter right now.

Sox Lose 6-5 BOX SCORE

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