More Signs That Houston Fans Are Not Wicked Smahht

In today’s Houston Chronicle they have a feature on how a local rapper name Paul Wall, whoever that is, gives his support to Roger Clemens*. Seriously, is this the best the Rocket* can do for quasi -celebrity props? That guy isn’t even famous enough to be on a Fox reality show. To make the story even more ridiculous, the rapper will participate in a guitar hero contest competition after the game wearing a Clemens* jersey, that should pack in the fans. From the Chronicle:

“That’s why I had to wear it on my back,” Wall said. “I had to represent. It may be a little added pressure to win on the Guitar Hero. I’m representing Clemens.”

Wall has been one of Clemens’ biggest supporters in Houston since the seven-time Cy Young Award winner was mentioned in the Mitchell Report on Dec. 13. At one point, he paid for a billboard in town that read, “Houston Supports Roger Clemens.” The owner of Paul Wall’s Grills also vows to write a rap song in honor of Clemens, whom he has mentioned in a few of his songs.

“Yeah, I’ve put him in a couple verses here and there, especially when he started getting a lot of coverage and everybody started coming down on (Clemens’) back just saying, ‘This is how the world is, man,’ ” Wall said.

I don’t know which is scarier; that this guy paid for a billboard to support Roger* or that the Chronicle published this story.

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