Movie Previews: Is Fury Full Of Sound Signifying Nothing?


(Image courtesy of
(Image courtesy of

Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, “theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die”. The basic jist being that orders are to be followed NOT questioned. This philosophy is one that many soldiers are quite familiar with.

In April of 1945, allied forces were gearing up for their final push towards Berlin and an inevitable victory in Europe.  The 2nd Armored Division call upon Staff Sergeant Don “Wardaddy” Collier and his crew to carry out a deadly mission in enemy occupied territory.

They will do so with the aid of a battle-tested 33 1/2 ton rolling steel monster known to the U.S. Army as the M4A3E8 Sherman tank. To “Wardaddy” and his boys, it’s known as “Fury”.

“Wardaddy” and his crew are all harder than coffin nails, but a rookie is thrown into their crew just before they’re set to roll out. If they find themselves outnumbered and outgunned, will the newbie pass muster?

David Ayer has pulled double duty on three previous occasions by writing and directing on the same film. For Fury he will again go from the writer’s desk to the directors’ chair.

Brad Pitt leads a solid cast that also stars John Bernthal, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Pena, Logan Lerman, and Jason Isaacs in supporting roles.

When Fury rumbles into theaters Friday Oct 17th, will they achieve victory or die trying? To find out buy a ticket and, as Shakespeare wrote, go “once more into the breach dear friends”.


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