Multiple Choice Monday: What Should the Angels Do WIth Scott Kazmir?

The season hasn’t even started, but the Kazmir situation has already reached a critical mass.  Public consensus is that Kazmir has nothing left, but that hasn’t stopped the Angels from keeping him in the rotation.  But how long will that last?  Is this just delaying the inevitable or should the Angels start making different plans for their embattled pitcher?

Scioscia visits Kazmir

Time to vote!

  1. Give him more time.  He says he is feeling better every appearance and that he is just unlucky.  Let’s give him a chance at redemption!  Wait, why is everyone laughing at me?  Stop it!  I’m being totally serious.  This isn’t a joke!!!
  2. Move him to the bullpen once a replacement is found.  At least this way the Halos might still get a little bit of use out of him.
  3. Option him to the minors.  Kazmir has options left, but he would have to consent.  But why wouldn’t he?  He needs to get his act together and it is better he does it in the minors than in the majors where he would be a liability.
  4. Kick him to the curb.  The guy is hopeless and there is no point in the Angels wasting another inning on him.

To place your vote, simply find the Poll of the Week in the gray sidebar to the right.

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