MWAHdcast: Episode 3 – Draft Edition


All aboard the MWAHdcast train. After an up and down week for the Angels, unwind with a little reminiscing brought to you by yours truly and Mr. MJ Lloyd. Some of the main topics discussed in this weeks episode include:

  • The state of the Angels
  • The draft
  • Scotty Allen’s analysis of a few draft selections as well as an update on a few farmhands.
  • More draft
  • Name grading of drafted players
  • The Mike Trout propaganda machine, featuring the cast of the 2009 draft.
  • The good, the bad and the ugly: Draft Edition

Basically, we go bananas with the first year player draft from this week.

Follow MJ (@MnkysThrwngDrts), myself (@mike_hllywa) and MWAH (@MonkeyWithAHalo) on Twitter. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, and if you have questions, suggestions and eGrams you would like to send us, you can direct them to MWAHdcast (@) gmail (dot) com.

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