MWAHdcast Episode 6: Slump City


After a one month hiatus for no good reason whatsoever, MJ Lloyd and I got back together last night to record a new episode of the MWAHdcast. You can tell us in the comments how much you missed us.

Here’s a breakdown of how the show went:

  • State of the Angels – Second place or bust, the C.J. Wilson injury and left field still looking a lot like Matt Joyce.
  • Mike Trout Propaganda Machine – Slump city.
  • Trade Rumor – The Angels are keeping tabs on Chase Utley. MJ wants Utley. MJ might possibly be Bill Stoneman.

You can follow the show on SoundCloud, or you can subscribe to the show on iTunes. Follow MJ (@MnkysThrwngDrts), Monkey With A Halo (@MonkeyWithAHalo) and myself on Twitter and you can email the MWAHdcast at MWAHdcast [@] gmail [dot] com.

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