MWAHdcast Episode 7: Angels Circling The Drain


The Angels are back to .500, so obviously that means that it is time for MJ Lloyd and I to get together and talk on the internet about the team. We fought through allergies and dogs for this episode. Who knew that recording earlier in the day could be such a hassle.

Show breakdown:

  • State of the Angels – Slumps are everywhere, man. Not one Angels starting pitcher has n ERA below 5.00 over the last four weeks. Not even Matt Shoemaker who has been lights out in his last two starts. Three Angels hitters have an OPS over .800 over the last four weeks, and Mike Trout just barely makes it with his hitting coming around over the last week. Oh, and Albert Pujols. Yeah, we’re pretty sure that his June is an anomaly. We’re optimistic, we can’t help it.
  • Kaleb Cowart – After looking lost in his first four games in the big leagues, Cowart has amassed a slash line of .308/.419/.500 in the nine games since. Then he promptly gets benched when David Freese comes back. Makes all kinds of sense. If (when) the Angels fall out of the playoff hunt, MJ and I have a bet as to who will play more games when the playoffs become impossible, Freese or Cowart.
  • GM hunt – My money is on a Ruben Amaro Jr.-type of GM. At which point, I will throw a legitimate temper tantrum.

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