My First Earthquake

My First EarthquakeAm I in Vegas? Did my buddy just put a quarter in the vibrating bed??

Well the shaking on Oahu was pretty minor, not enough to knock pictures off the wall. I was woken up by my bed shaking and then managed to walk out the window to hear some serious low frequency rumbling. Being on the eleventh floor wasn’t too good for the psyche, leaving me feeling pretty helpless. However it stopped after about 25 seconds, then a few minutes later a smaller quake. Big Island was hit pretty hard, being the epicenter, and maui was shaken pretty good as well. Eye witness reports talked about parking lots full of the ghetto cars with hydraulics on maui…well at least that’s what all the cars bouncing up and down looked like. Others actually saw tremor waves traveling down the asphalt roads. They cut power on oahu automatically, it wasn’t due to any damage. Power was brought back slowly through out the day, taking about 12 hrs in Waikiki, which erupted with deafening cheers when power came back on.

All in all an interesting day of sleeping, reading, and laughing at tourists in lines for the ABC stores which were letting people in one at a time. Locals would walk around the same corner to the mom and pop convenience stores with no lines. It was rainy, and crappy out so no use in hanging outside. There’s you update folks. Have a great day!

Note: This was written by my brother, Keith, who lives on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.

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