My mexican slave laborers

Lately I have had alot of framing going on in my hood. These guys work their rear ends off all day long and can frame a house in like 5 days. The only problem is they dont speak english and if they do they pretend they dont. So it is always interesting trying to tell them to do something because you always get the smile and nod. However they seem to take their shirts off to work more often than Advice man at a strip club oh wait that is LJ who tries to give the strippers lap dances. What is really funny is the beer guts these dudes have even after working in 90 degree weather all day, they have to consume a high quantity of gods nectar. I would like to see them and Jerry go at a drinking contest on seeing how fast they can chug. Yesterday I did have one of them trying to pass off a firemans hat that your 2 year old would wear for halloween as a hard hat. When i asked him to put a real one on he just smiled and nodded.

My next question is why do people lie for no apparent reason other than to just lie. Can they not actually tell the truth or do they just like the drama of getting caught in a lie.

And congrats to THE MAGIC CRUMPKIN on his law school graduation. Hopefully now he will have more luck in getting these loose women he has been stalking for so long becaues now he gets to pass out a real business card not the home made ones he use to make. Tick maybe that is what you should do follow crummy to the promiseland

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