My thoughts about Lowell’s thoughts

Pretty much Mike Lowell is right on with saying if one sport is going to be ridiculed, well why not all?
Lowell said that he feels baseball exists in a double standard. Quoted in the Globe: “”I don’t know Shawne Merriman and I don’t know Rodney Harrison, but nothing was made about [their suspensions]… It was actually, ‘Aw, man, they’re missing four games.’ Nothing was made about them,” said Lowell. “That’s where the coverage, I don’t agree with it. … when a baseball player does it, it’s major news. When a football player does it, it’s turn the page.”
I guess Rodney Harrison and Shawne Merriman get a hall pass on this one.
Cyclists and track and field athletes get ridiculed and talked about just as much as baseball players do, so why the pass on the NFL players?
It seems as though all of the baseball players — some who have not even done steroids — have been kicked to the curb if there is even a rumor of using drugs to enhance their game, but fans are still embracing the likes of certain NFL players.
Cannot wait to find out what fans in Houston think of Miguel Tejada.
I will continue to like Miguel Tejada until something is proven because I have always loved Tejada. Again, Tejada has not been proven to take steroids, but his reputation is damaged — forever. Now go find me a NFL fan who feels Merriman’s reputation is damaged forever. This stereotype needs to go.
I hate the stereotype that pervades the sports culture, that baseball is the dirtiest sport in the game, a shell of America’s Pastime while football is championed.
I cannot stand Rodney Harrison now. Yeah, he is good and I like him on the field but I could care less if he is gone next year especially if he helps us win a championship this year. Although his bonehead penalties make me yell. Never liked Merriman.
The one thing that saves Harrison is that he supposedly used it to heal an injury. So he is saved somewhat, just like Andy Pettitte has largely avoided criticism due to saying he used HGH to recover from an injury.
It is funny that the NFL players do not get the same scrutiny. What do you guys/gals think?
Anybody or anyone have a different opinion because if one sport or more are going to get ripped for it, well hell, why not football too!
Evan Brunell contributed to this article by Shawn Medeiros.

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