Nate Miles Off To A Bad Start At UConn

Paw Prints Breaking News

According to Mike Anthony of the Hartford Courant, UConn men’s basketball freshman Nate Miles is due in court next Tuesday after a violation of a restraining order.

The arrest log of the UConn Police Department says that Miles was served with a restraining order on Sept. 22, but violated it by placing a phone call to the protected party that day. The protected party is not named.

That, according to the report, was in direct violation of the following restraining order language: “Respondent shall refrain from having any contact in any manner with the protected person.”

UConn’s only comment was essentially no comment as is their policy.

This is definitely not a good way for Miles to impress Jim Calhoun and his teammates. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding maybe it wasn’t. Either way, this doesn’t bode well for Miles.

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