NBA Blogs Unite: Bloguin style!

Top Ten Resolutions for 2010 NBA-A-Thon style

Big props to my man Lives at KnicksFanaticsBlog for heading up the 2nd Bloguin NBA-A-Thon of the year. For those not familiar with the NBA-A-Thon, it’s a cool concept where one of the awesome Bloguin NBA blogs hosts a post that is a collection of great NBA related stories, articles, and pieces from across Bloguin network. Lives put a pretty cool spin on it this time around calling it the ‘TOP TEN RESOLUTIONS FOR 2010’. I’m still laughing at some of the resolutions – great job my man!

Another one of our blogging fraternity, Don from With Malice did a great job with the first NBA-A-Thon session of the season. Go and peep all the great NBA articles from the awesome NBA blogs on the Bloguin network if you didn’t check it out the first time around!

Ok, seriously, what are you waiting for? Go right now and enjoy the NBA-A-Thon! 🙂

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