NBA Jam Session Canada 2010 – Halifax – Interview with Harlem Globetrotters’ Anthony “Buckets” Blakes

As promised, we’re rolling out the individual interviews and discussions we had with various basketball and NBA personalities from last weekend’s NBA Jam Session Canada 2010 tour stop here in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

First up is our interview with one of the world famous Harlem Globetrotters, Anthony ‘Buckets’ Blakes. It was great to get his thoughts on various topics ranging from being an ambassador for the game of basketball, the importance of education, and his personal watch collection!

There are a few points where some questions we ask are partially drowned out by the background sound of the other Jam Session events going on, but Buckets Blakes answers the questions well so the information still gets across.

Thanks again to Buckets Blakes for taking the time to talk with us.

We hope you enjoy, and keep watching for more of our interviews from NBA Jam Session Canada 2010, Halifax tour stop, this week.

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