NBA Team Preview Haikus: Phoenix Suns

Kent State

It’s been easy to forget the past few months, what with the lockout and the powers that be meddling in team affairs, but basketball is a beautiful game.  High flying slam dunks, gorgeous crossovers, a beautifully executed give and go – basketball is an art form.  So, with that in mind, The Hoops Manifesto is putting an artistic twist on your run of the mill NBA team previews: our previews for all 30 NBA teams will take the form of a haiku.  Next up: Phoenix Suns

Grant Hill and Steve Nash
Are even older than me
Where is the future?

Previous teams done: Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Golden State, Houston, Indiana, Clippers, Lakers, Memphis, Miami, Milwaukee, MinnesotaNew Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Philadelphia.

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