New Celtics Plates Available

Obsolete when Cs become 18 time champs

For those of you looking to pimp your ride (I don't know what that means… I heard a young kid say it once.  I hope it applies)…  the new Boston Celtics license plates are available.  It's different than the other one because it says 17-time world champions on it.  It costs $40, and the money goes to Children's Hospital… so the $40 is tax deductible (you kids don't know what that means… but I'm sure you heard us old guys say it once.  We love hot, sexy phrases like 'tax deductible' and 'compounded interest').

You can go to the RMV website to apply for one… that is… once the RMV site actually puts it on the list.  Considering the speed at which Massachusetts government moves… expect it to be listed sometime in December.  You can also go through the Celtics website.  Once they get 1500 orders, people will get their plates. 

We're still working with the Registry on plates.  It will feature a photo of me and Chuck hunched over a laptop with bags under our eyes and our wives in the background filling out divorce papers.  The $40 will be split between the Department of Social Services and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome research.  Watch for it soon.

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