New SBP Scoreboard

New SBP Scoreboard
This a photo of the Ottawa Senators new scoreboard. Here are the specs:

Category Bell HD Screen Current Scoreboard
Resolution of screens High-definition Standard definition
720×960 240×320
6mm 12mm
Number of display screens 6 4
Pixels on viewing screens 691,000 76,800
Dimensions of primary screens 15.75′ high x 21′ wide 7.5′ high x 10′ wide
Square Footage of primary screens 331 sq feet x 4 screens 75 sq ft x 4 screens
Increase in primary screen size 441%
Total LED Viewing Area 2170 sq ft 300 sq ft
Increase in total viewing area 723%


At the first intermission Melnyk made a rare public appearance (his first of the season?) joining Ian Mendes for an interview. Looking particularily dapper in a beige leather jacket, Eugene elaborated a little on the organizations latest acquistition. These two points in particular stood out:

1. Updating the scoreboard is something they had been working on for “some time”, but they ran into problems with a “vendor” which prolonged the process.

2. It was on Bettman’s intervention in the situation that the organization was connected with Panasonic to source the new scoreboard.

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