New Comment System

Dear readers,

For awhile now, I have received an inordinate number of emails that have complained about how poor the comment section(s) that accompany each article have been. Now your prayers have been answered as Bloguin has installed the new Livefyre comment system that is unreal.

The list of Livefyre features can be found here and here’s a basic list of things to get you started.

#1 – You can either register with Livefyre or you can sign in using your Facebook or Twitter accounts for now.

#2 – If you have registered with Bloguin, rest assured. Integration with your Bloguin user name and password is coming.

#3 – Old comments from the Jom Comment system will not be lost. They aren’t visible at the moment, but they will be imported into the Livefyre system soon.

#4 – Flickr, Twitpic, tinypic, and imgur are the supported image sources, meaning you just copy and paste the URL into the comment box and the image shows up as a thumbnail.

#5 – For videos, YouTube and Vimeo work. Just paste the URL, and it works.

#6 – This is a beta version of the system, so there are still some bugs being worked on.

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