Newfangled Suggestion Box Thingy

Newfangled Suggestion Box Thingy

If you’re looking at the website here, and not reading through an rss reader or something, you’ll see that I’ve added a suggestion box on the left side. The question is pretty simple — what do you want to see more of around here? If you click on the question itself, you can make a suggestion of your own or you can vote for a suggestion that someone else has already made.

So basically, if you want more “JR Time” then suggest that. Or you could throw in things such as “Hamsters on fire” or “random lolcat pictures.” Anything you want, really. So give it a go! Hopefully this will make out relationship that much better. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? I know I’m feeling a bit fuzzier and it’s not from the stuffed animal I just ate. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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