News: Two Dead, Including Gunman At Seattle-Area High School

(Ted S. Warren/AP)
(Ted S. Warren/AP)

MARYSVILLE — Two students are dead after a Gunman opened fire at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Marysville, Washington, 30 miles north of Seattle.

The gunman was identified by many student eyewitnesses as Jaylen Fryberg after shooting multiple shots, Feryberg would take his own life.

Fryberg was announced as the high school’s freshman homecoming king on October 17 and was known to be a fairly-liked individual at the school and was known for posting images on social media showed him joyful, playing sports and spending time with his girlfriend.

(Ted S. Warren/AP)

One image shows him proudly holding the horns of a deer, with a hunting rifle next to him. Fryberg was also Native American coming out of a prominent family within the the Tulalip Tribe.

He walked into the school’s cafeteria, went up to a table with students, “came up from behind … and fired about six bullets into the backs of them,” One eyewitness said. “They were his friends, so it wasn’t just random,”

Students who were in the cafeteria at the time said the gunman stared at the students as he shot them. They described a chaotic scene at the school.

Cedar Parker, a 17-year-old senior said he was driving away from the campus for lunch when he saw students running from the school and trying to jump a fence. Parker let several of them in his car. He heard other students yelling for their friends: “Where are you?”

Parker would have been nearby if he had chosen to eat in the cafeteria, he said: “Leaving saved my life.”

Ayn Dietrich, an FBI spokeswoman in Seattle, said the agency had personnel on their way to the scene to help authorities with the investigation.

Marysville is among three school districts recently chosen to share a $10 million federal grant for improved student mental-health services, which have been identified as a pressing need. Administrators were working on plans for the money just as news came about the shooting Friday morning.

The latest school shooting in the region happened at Seattle Pacific University, where a gunman killed one student and wounded two others on June 5.

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