Nice Form Pau

pau gasol

I'm not quite sure how Pau Gasol gets this crazy looking shot of his to work.  What's he doing with that top hand… tickling the ball?  And that arm of his looks like a big stork's leg.  My head's already throbbing after a wild night of beer pong… looking at this photo is making it worse.

So here we are… heading into Game 2… and the good news is that both Paul Pierce and Kendrick Perkins are going to play.  We know we need Paul… but this year's KG-infused Kendrick Perkins is a big factor against a team willing to give way to more physical players (exhibit A:  Perk not moving out of Lamar Odom's way).  

And Perk will have to be his normal beastly self… just to make up for the behavior of others in Boston.

If you’re a Celtics fan, it will no doubt ruin your morning to learn about the dish of apple pie a la mode that was sent to Kobe Bryant’s room the other day. 

“You know, I’ve heard stories in the past about (the Lakers) coming in here and not even getting room service and stuff like that,” Bryant said yesterday at the Garden as his team practiced for Game 2 of the NBA Finals against the Celtics tonight.

“But my room service is cool.  I didn’t even ask for the ice cream, but they hooked me up,” Bryant said. “I’ve heard the horror stories from the past, in the ’80s, when the guys came in here. It’s not like that anymore."

Ugh.  I miss the old days when it would have taken 3 hours for a moldy piece of spit pie to get to his door.  And to think… he got all that nice treatment after saying this in the Game 1 pre-jump huddle.

"We could play them seven times here and beat 'em!" Bryant shouted, according to several teammates and an arena official who overheard the screed. "We could play them on Mars or Pluto and beat 'em! We're the better team!"

Herald:  Game 2 goes long way toward deciding series  |  Ray's 'D' starts to shine  |  Garnett all business  |  Kobe will grab spotlight in game 2  |  Pierce's knee rekindles C's spirit  |  Globe:  Parental influence   |  Waltons a prime time drama  |  Saturday photos  |  Their hands are being forced  |  Showing a 'Mob' mentality  |  Jackson expects better Bryant  |  Game of ins and outs  |  TrueHoop:  A Specialis speculates on Pierce's knee  |  ProJo:  Celtics have done a good job on Kobe all season  |  T&G:  Allen more than a shooter  |  SI:  Time for Kobe to fly  |  ESPN:  Time for Pau to get aggressive  |  Scouts Inc split on who wins game 2

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