Nickname Hanley Ramierz (POLL)

Hanley Ramirez hates his manager, hates trying and probably hates YOU! What, you’re working all year for what I make in one at bat? TAKE THIS!

Now that the Marlins are in town, we need to have a new nickname for the defending NL Batting Champ cum scourge of America.


Nickame 1: LOAF (Loaf Ramierz? Kind of catchy)

Nickname Hanley Ramierz (POLL)

Nickname 2: SLOTH (He could make this cool. Promise)

Nickname Hanley Ramierz (POLL)

Nickname 3: McCAIN’s SCOURGE (He won’t admit it… but he’s getting racist in a back room somewhere)

Nickname Hanley Ramierz (POLL)


[polldaddy poll=3225669] Nickname Hanley Ramirezcustomer surveys

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