Nightmare Fuel


I had a horrible revelation this morning, the type that will make you jerk awake in the middle of the night.  THE MIAMI HEAT ARE GOING TO WIN THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR!!!!! Yes, I know, a horrible thought, but unfortunately it appears to be true.

Coming into the season, I didn’t think the Heat had much of a chance to grab the title this year.  They had too many new players to work into the team, no big men of significance, not enough depth.  Heading into the playoffs, I figured Miami could be beat by Boston, possibly Orlando, the Lakers, possibly the Spurs – basically there were enough teams out there to keep the Heat out of the champion’s circle.  But now, Orlando is gone, the Spurs are gone, the Lakers are on their way out, and Miami is battering Boston.  Which leaves us with the Heat as the probably favourites after the dust settles from the second round.  Atlanta or Chicago aren’t going to beat the Heat; Dallas or Oklahoma City or Memphis aren’t going to come out of the West and beat them either.

So the “haters'” worst case scenerio could come true – Miami’s “Big Three” are going to win the title in their first year together.  What a horrible example this will set for future NBA players wanting to form “super teams”.  Our future will be full of more players talking about “taking their talents to…” and more ego and more shortcuts to the NBA title and more celebrating before you’ve actually won anything.  Woe is me.

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