Nittany Lions Den Podcast: Episode 1.00


We tried this little experiment before. But now it’s for real.

It was a nice concept in the past but never saw much stability, but the Nittany Lions Den Podcast is alive and well now thanks to a new partnership with VSporto and a rejuvenated host. Today marks the return of the new and (hopefully) improved Nittany Lions Den Podcast, hosted by me (Kevin McGuire).

The Nittany Lions Den Podcast is the newest addition to the Nittany Lion Sports Radio Network from VSporto. You can access shows from the network 24 hours a day on the new mobile app or right from VSporto has set up school-specific channels for a number of schools and teams, and Penn State is the latest addition to the team. The Nittany Lions Den Podcast will offer a 30-minute program once a week for now, but will soon be moved to twice-a-week program for Penn State fans. It joins programs already online from Onward State and And there should be more to come, so you will have to stay tuned! You can follow Nittany Lion Sports Radio on Twitter.

The mobile app will be hitting the Apple app store soon, so keep checking back! In the meantime, I also will include some other ways for you to stay connected to the podcast. An updated iTunes link will be available shortly if you prefer to download shows through Apple’s service.

If the audio widget is not showing up below, you can use this link to listen to the show.

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