No Instant Replay in Baseball

No Instant Replay in Baseball
Baseball GM’s recently voted to 25-5 to allow instant replay for home run boundary issues. Bud Selig would have to approve the idea if it is going to go forward. Baseball is a game based on tradition; one of the best things about going to a game is knowing that you are having a very similar experience as your grandfather had 75 years ago when he watched. Baseball is different from other sports; no clock, limited grandstanding by players, coaches who wear uniforms. Umpires get calls wrong occasionally but that is part of the game. Replay would make umps hesitate to make calls, fans would have to wait for the replay to know whether to cheer or boo, the game would take longer. Baseball is slow enough already. Could you imagine if it was like the NFL and managers had to trough a towel to get the replay? Just think of Joe Torre doing his slow walk onto the field (you know the one where he doesn’t move his arms and stares at the ground) just to throw out a replay challenge. Umpires do a great job 99% of the time. I like that umpires are now meeting together on a disputed call to get it right. If all of them on the field screw up its just part of the game. I look at this as the same as the wooden vs. metal bat issue. Keep baseball traditional.

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