No Mas, LeBron, No Mas


Is it July 1st yet? No?!  Well, will it hurry up and come already.  I, like the rest of the basketball world, am anxiously awaiting the free agency period to begin so I can find out where LeBron James is going to play next year.  But, unlike everyone else, I could really care less where he ends up playing (well, maybe I care a little bit), rather I just want this madness to get over with so I can stop hearing about it.

This whole free agency frenzy, most noticably involved LeBron, has been a prime example of what is wrong with sports nowadays.  I have no problem with the money involved – I’m a full-blown capitalist – go get all the money you can get, players.  Rather, what is so unseemly to me is the insane level of begging and courting for LeBron’s favour that has been going on.  Politicians, actors, musicians – everyone is flat-out begging James to come to their city.  Doesn’t anyone have any pride anymore?  And we have the nerve to get upset and complain when athletes come off as prima donnas who are better than the rest of us.  It’s situations like this that prove we consider them better than us.

So, please LeBron, for my sanity, please sign with someone at 12:01am tonight.  Please don’t be a drama queen and clamour for anymore attention.  Yeah, we get it, you’re a “king”, you expect all this attention and courting.  Afterall, it has been this way with you since you before you even made it to high school.  But, seriously, you can’t really tell me you haven’t already decided who you are going to sign with – it’s not like the fact that you are a free agent has suddenly surprised you.  No doubt you are serious enough about your career – and have people working for you who are serious enough about it – to have all these things planned out years in advance.  Now just go ahead and plug the trigger.  Stop the insanity.  Stop stringing along teams, cities and fan bases.

And is all this really fair to Cleveland, especially if you are planning on re-signing with them?  This is like a husband telling his wife he is going to go out and date a bunch of women to see what they can offer, only to decide he might as well stay with his wife.  Plus, if you are planning on staying in Cleveland, you’ve already cost the team at least its first two choices as coach due to your non-commitment.  Cavs fans should be pissed at you, regardless of which team you sign with.

No mas, LeBron, no mas.


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