Well, I got on the road around 9 today, and it was rainy and gross in the Twin Cities. By the time I got to Owatonna, though, the sun was out and the rest of the drive was very warm. It really saps the battery on my phone/GPS. Here are some notes from the drive.
– I only made one stop, which is incredible. Thank YOU Dexter, Iowa and your Casey’s General Store for pizza and gas and directions back to the interstate.
– There is a radio station in Omaha that goes by “The Big O”.
– The entire state of Nebraska is under construction. Like, really, every major town had construction in and around it. It was a slow go.
– I went out for a barbecue pork sandwich and a beer. Through eavesdropping, I learned that I was sitting next to this guy‘s father.
All right, enough for now. I will check in tomorrow night. Game is on Saturday!
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