Now It’s St. Louis’ Turn To Jump on the Whiny Bandwagon

The whiny articles keep coming and this one is from a city that will be the visitors, they don’t even get to complain about the annoying Sox fans taking over their city. This is from today’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch entitled “Why I’m Sick of Boston

“Im a big guy, so it pains me to say this, but I’m tired of seeing those chunky, pink-faced white guys wearing Celtics throwbacks, straight out of that stupid House of Pain video (“Jump Around”) shouting “We’re No. 1” at TV cameras with distorted faces….Hey, Sully — I didn’t see you kick the field goal. That was Vinatieri. So quit rolling around in the end zone. Yo, Murph yeah, you in the Bird jersey, bum-rushing the floor at the Garden on Tuesday night when the Celtics destroyed the Lakers to win the NBA championship. Yeah, you. That’s right. You aren’t even Eddie Bird (Larry’s brother), so get off the basketball court and let the Celtics players celebrate….They should rename Boston’s “Big Dig” and call it “Dig Me.”

I guess Bernie Miklasz doesn’t think teams should have fans since they don’t actually make plays on the field, and if teams do have fans they must act like Cardinals fans and simply exit the stadium in a orderly fashion if they win a World Series or they risk offending Joe Buck. What aNow It's St. Louis' Turn To Jump on the Whiny Bandwagon tool. Here’s Bernie’s picture, he looks like a guy who got beat up by jocks in high school. Bernie says one of the things he likes about Boston is Dunkin’ Donuts, maybe its time he lay off the Bavarian Cremes and mix in a salad.

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