Even though Minnesota beat North Carolina, and Ohio State has absolutely destroyed everyone they have played, I think we are already getting to the point in the season where every pundit in the land starts doubting the Big Ten’s chops. It happens every year, and then the Big Dance comes along and the Big Ten “surprises” by getting at least 1 team in the Final Four and usually about 3-4 teams to the Sweet 16. But still, they play a methodical game, and each and every bad loss is seized upon as a sign that the Big Ten is an impossibly bad major conference.
Well, in the past week, we have seen Purdue take a bad loss to Richmond (they must be bad since Robbie Hummel is out! You know, just like he was last year when they made it t to the Sweet 16), Minnesota lost to Virginia (the UNC/West Virginia wins must have been the flukes) and Wisconsin lost in the finals of their early season tournament and Illinois and Michigan State only got third place in their tournament games. Yes, let’s all start crapping on the Big Ten, and then talk about how weak the conference is when in fact it’s simply very competitive.
Last year, the Big Ten won the ACC/Big Ten challenge, which is underway already (with Minnesota’s loss to Virginia), and it must have been a down year for the ACC, since the Big Ten still garnered little respect from basketball pundits. How many games does the Big Ten have to win this year to gain a little love? Probably all of them.
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