Oh Tim Thomas…It’s not you, it’s me. (But it’s you)

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I don’t know why I’m writing this but here it goes. If you missed the “news” last night, Tim Thomas agrees with the stance that Chik-Fil-A has regarding gay marriage. While I don’t agree with what Tim Thomas said, he has a right to say it. It’s as simple as that. Tim Thomas doesn’t believe in gay marriage. I believe in gay marriage. I want gay people to be as miserable in marriage as straight people. I have good relationships with people who are married and happen to be gay. 

If you’re going to come here and look for something serious on the topic, you’re in the wrong area. Justin, Jon, Pizz and I aren’t the political types. If you could ever read a DOY staff chat, you’d find out that we very rarely will discuss a political issue. It’s just not a big deal to us.

I do want to point out the A+ trolling job that Jon did on Tim Thomas’ Facebook page (highlighted in pink [not done purposely] {maybe done purposely}] which includes some fantastic hits such as:


A+ job by Jon on that. I’m not sure how long those videos will be up, but either way they are screen capped for the world to see! 

The more amazing thing is this “fall from grace” that Tim Thomas is currently involved in. Two years ago the guy was a saint when it came to the people of Boston. He took us on a magical ride through the playoffs with saves that no goalie had no right to make and eventually lifted a Stanley Cup over his head. It was amazing.

  • Then the white house happened
  • Then he decided to “take a year off” 
  • Now this happened

It’s just  shocking to see how someone can go from hero to goat in less than a calendar year. 

Feel free to comment on this if you want, but this will be the only post DOY will write about his “statement”. We don’t agree with it, but he has a right to say it. Well all have that right.  

He’s no longer a Boston Bruin. He’s just some goalie we used to know. 


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