Oh Yeah. Snoop Dogg Loves the Steelers and Youth Football

Oh Yeah. Snoop Dogg Loves the Steelers and Youth Football
Sometimes, my mind wanders off, and I totally forget that Snoop Dogg has a huge stiffy for Pittsburgh sports. Remember, this is the guy that kills the old Penguins jersey in his Gin and Juice video. Also, when I saw him at Amsterjam ’05 on Randalls Island in NYC (along with 311, RHCP, Garbage, Wyclef, Peaches…crazy lineup, huh?) he came out to the encore with RHCP and Bootsy while wearing a leather Steelers jacket and Steelers hat. They did some James Brown compilation together…it was pretty sick.

I can’t find any video of Snoop actually IN the jacket and hat, so you’ll have to take my word for it. It was at this show (yeah, that’s Snoop lighting up one of the two massive blunts he killed on stage).

So I gotta show love to Snoop and his Pomona Steelers youth football team, who won the second of back to back SYFL titles this past weekend. They beat the Expo Panthers, 20-0. Young Buck was the halftime entertainment. Of course he was.

Video evidence of Snoop celebrating with his team and cheerleaders is below.

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