Oilers to Add Ice Girls, 60 Canadians are ‘Sort Of, You Know, Not Totally on Board with This, Eh’

Oilers to Add Ice Girls, 60 Canadians are 'Sort Of, You Know, Not Totally on Board with This, Eh'It kind of seems weird — to an American, anyway — to find out that not one of the six Canadian franchises has ice girls or any sort of a cheer squad (/singing voice TRADITIONNNN!). Anyway, I found that out today. The more you know.

As such, the Edmonton Oilers are poised to buck the trend and finally allow hot chicks to dance and cheer and do the other things they do — namely, distract Craig Anderson — at games. It’s Canada, so unhappy fans didn’t take to the streets or throw bricks through Oiler HQ’s windows. They started an online petition, gosh darnit dontcha know. And they quickly got 60 signatures. And then the petition disappeared into cyberspace, eh.

They’re really riled up about it as you can see. Quite the uprising, even for Canada. Next thing you know, they may write a discontented letter or two. Maybe someone will have the gall to write a full-on angry letter.

Meanwhile, a group of Manchester United fans stood outside soccer player Wayne Rooney’s house and made slightly veiled death threats if he chose not to re-sign with ManU. I, for one, am glad that we share a border with the nice, quaint folk up in Canada.

Oh and, you’re welcome.

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