OK, Here’s the Deal

So things have been slacking lately. Sure, I’ve been posting pretty regularly, but that’s not the point. Somewhere along the line I completely forgot about a whole bunch of regular features. Not sure how, but I did.

Anyway, here’s what’s going on around here in the New Year.

  • Impressive Linguistic Talents will be back every Monday. As long as I don’t forget. Uh oh…
  • Buys and Sells will be back. This one might take occasional FanHouse field trips.
  • I’ll be on the Ice Sheet at FanHouse every Friday morning. In case you care.
  • Continued shenanigans. That’s a given. For example, Handy Guides.
  • More live blogs. The first (and only) one worked out pretty well. I don’t think it’s going to be a regular thing, but maybe bi-weekly I’ll pick a random game and live blog it. Feel free to send in suggestions for this. I’m thinking the next one will have to be a late night game, to make it up to all of you on the west coast for dealing with a 10 AM winter classic.
  • Going north, eh. I’m going to Calgary in early February, and something good should come of it. Either some exciting on site reporting or more guest bloggers. I think either option will work out well.
  • As usual, feel free to have your say in the comments or by email if there’s anything you want to see.
  • There are more ideas I’m tossing around upstairs, but nothing concrete. Hopefully there will be big things come playoff time.
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