OK, Jokes Over. Where are the Real Capitals?

OK, Jokes Over. Where are the Real Capitals?

Ray Emery silently weeps.

What the hell is going on?

After tonight’s 4-2 win in the Canadian capital, the team from America’s capital moved to 4-0 against the Sens, winning the season series. Amazing. It’s not so much that one team is dominating a season series as much as the fact that the Capitals are among the worst teams in the league, while the Senators are among the best. All four games were won in regulation to boot. Sure, the Sens are on a cold streak in general, but this is too much. Something smells fishy.

Could it another case of American imperialism abroad? Maybe.

Did the Capitals finally figure out how to disrupt the time space continuum in such a way that allows them complete and total control over a vastly superior team?* It’s possible.

My conclusion — Bruce Boudreau has developed some kind of Vulcan mind-meld to control opposing teams. He just hasn’t learned to use it effectively on teams other than Ottawa yet.

No matter what the real reason is, kudos to the Caps for opening up a can on the Eastern Conference’s best team.

(* – at least on paper, anyway) _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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