Olympic excitement

Olympic excitement
I’ve made no attempt to hide the fact that I love the Olympics. There’s many reasons for this. I like raw competition, and that is what the Olympics are all about. You can’t tell me that a weightlifter from Nauru is there looking for an endorsement deal.
I like seeing all the different people of the world in competition. Perhaps I’m naive, but I would otherwise have no idea what someone from Uzbekistan would look like.
I like watching the variety of sports that I wouldn’t otherwise watch. Badminton for a couple of times a year is freakishly amazing.
I like the rivalries between nations, and that their competition has the background of current events. Perhaps a Tae kwon do match between a Georgian and a Russian will take on a little extra meaning today.
I like the awkward matchups between nations in head to head competitions. Do people from St. Kitt’s and Nevis trash talk Filipinos before their boxing match?
I like the Sports Illustrated medal predictions. I personally think that Frank Schleck, cyclist from Luxembourg is a little underrated.
I like that China is hosting the games. At the very best, the outside scrutiny will help the typically insular nation change for the better. At the least, they won’t and there will once again be a foil to the ambitions of Western nations at the Games.
I like that I will be able to watch some competitions live at 2 in the morning, when I’m up anyways.
I like that I can’t really provide any insight to the Games and can only enjoy watching them.

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