On Friday’s game at Boston

As one who is closer to Maxwell’s view than Barreiro’s and Souhan’s–I
have actually taken the Garnett position in KG vs. Bird debates,
although I go back and forth on who I think is a better player–it was
a sincere pleasure watching the greatest Timberwolf there likely will
ever be in my lifetime going against the Timberwolves when it counts
(meaning a non-exhibition game) for the first time in his career last
night. And it was a curiously nostalgic feeling to be marveling in his
myriad gifts on the court and then being compelled to remember again
his "flaw of unselfishness" that is necessarily part and parcel of his
many virtues.
After a Minnesota timeout, Wolves rookie Corey
Brewer couldn’t inbound the ball and was called for a five-second
violation. Brewer, who made some big jumpers and scored eight points,
said he missed an opportunity to pass the ball to Jefferson.
"I probably should have stepped up and called a
timeout there, too," Wittman said. "I should have had a count on Corey
and helped him out there."

"He got a big mouth, but you know he’s Kevin Garnett man, mad respect
for him, mad respect for him, that’s just him and it was just
competition, playing hard, nothing personal." 

Jerry Zgoda/Star Tribune on Garnett’s postgame celebration: 
Kevin Garnett’s jersey-tugging celebration after he swiped the ball
away from Sebastian Telfair and assured Boston’s victory over his
former team on Friday sure was exuberant, wasn’t it? Wolves fans
certainly are accustomed to his passion and emotion, but such a display
after his league-leading team beat the now 7-35 Wolves? He acted like
it was first-round playoff victory or something.

After the game, someone asked him if he was worried about what Minnesota writers might say about his theatrics.
“I’m in Boston, I’m not concerned,” he said. “I don’t play for
Minnesota anymore. I’m in Boston. We were at home and it was a huge
win. It’s nothing personal.”

So yeah, the Celtics won a close one, and KG made the decisive
defensive play at the end. But come on man, is all that crazy
celebrating and jersey popping really necessary? You guys are supposed
to be the best team in the league, and you just beat the worst … by
one … in your own building. And it’s not like Minnesota wronged you
in some way during your career, they did you a freaking favor by
sending you to a contender.

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